Today marks the beginning of a new experiment for me. I, along few others, will be taking part in blog month. Blog month is a commitment to write 30 posts over the course of a month. You can blog about anything you want, it doesn’t have to be technical in nature. The goal is to get into the habit of writing regularly.

I first heard about this idea from Rob Nelson (rnelson0 on the interwebz). A few months ago, Rob tossed around the idea of a mid-year blog month in the #voxpupuli channel on Freenode. The traditional blog month is in November (to coincide with NaNoWriMo), but that often clashes with the holidays, so it’s not particularly convenient for some of us. At the time, May sounded great. Since then, I’ve taken a new job (see tomorrow’s post), bought a house, and am slated to speak and attend a couple conferences this month. I’ve basically come to the realization that there’s no good time for this, so I’m just going to dig in.

I have a few posts in mind. I want to finish up a couple blog series that I started and never finished (Seven Habits, and RSpec for Ops). I’m also going to start fleshing out some topics I’ll be speaking on starting this month. I’d love to get some feedback on these things, so please, don’t hold back. If there’s anything you might be interested in reading about, please let me know!

I’ll be announcing these posts on Twitter. Rob has put together a Twitter list tracking those of us participating in blog month. You can find that list here. If you’re interested in participating, or just want to learn more about the genesis of this idea, I highly encourage you to read Rob’s post about it back in March. You can also track the hashtags #blogmonth or #vDM30in30.

I’m really looking forward to writing and reading some great content this month! Good luck to all of those participating! Happy blogging!