This is the third part in a series of blog posts on RSpec for Ops. See the first post here and the second post here.

Designing for Testability

Once you get more comfortable with TDD for Puppet, you’ll start to realize that there’s a particular way to design your code to make it easier to test. I often hear complaints from newcomers to TDD to the effect of “what’s the point of TDD if I have to change how I write my code just for these tests?” This is a very good question. To answer this, let’s take a look at what makes code easier to test.


As I mentioned in my last post, the key to writing good tests is to focus on your module’s interfaces. Your module should have a well defined interface. When I say interface, I’m talking about an Application Programming Interface (or API) which, in Puppet, is created using parameters. Your goal should be to validate your module’s interface, ensuring that all branch conditions are covered by your tests. It’s much easier to test code that has an interface rather than trying to test conditions that are hardcoded inside the module. Let’s look at an example:

class ssh {
  $package_name = $osfamily ? {
    'gentoo' => 'openssh',
    default  => 'openssh-server'

  package { $package_name:
    ensure => installed

The example above installs an ssh server. We want to support more than one platform, so we’ve used a selector to determine the package name based on the osfamily fact. Let’s see what the test looks like for this:

describe 'ssh' do
  context 'on gentoo' do
    let(:facts) { { :osfamily => 'gentoo' } }
    it { contain_package 'openssh' }

  context 'on redhat' do
    let(:facts) { { :osfamily => 'redhat' } }
    it { contain_package 'openssh-server' }

This test looks simple enough, right? It’s testing all of our branch conditions and gets pretty good coverage. What happens when you want to add a new platform? What happens when the package name changes? You’ll have to write new tests to ensure that your branch conditions are covered. Let’s see what this looks like with an interface:

class ssh (
  $package_name = $ssh::params::package_name,
) inherits ssh::params {

  package { $package_name:
    ensure => installed

This example uses the $package_name parameter to set the package name and gets its default value from the params class. Let’s see what the test would look like for this class:

describe 'ssh' do
  let(:params) { { :package_name => 'openssh-server' } }
  it { contain_package 'openssh-server' }

This test validates our interface and makes sure that the value we set at $package_name is passed to the package resource as we expected. If some part of the code changes the way this parameter is passed to the package resource, the tests will fail. To be sure, you should also validate your branching logic from your params class, but focusing on the interface here has forced us to redesign our code in a way that has some nice corollary benefits. This class is no longer dependent on embedded logic, so it is more resilient to unforeseen use cases. Our tests needs to know even less about our implementation code, which makes them more resilient and easier to maintain.

Composition and Single Responsibility

Composition is a practice where you combine discrete bits of code to achieve a desired behavior. Using composition along with classes that have a single responsibility, you can achieve complex behaviors that are easy to test, read, and extend. To illustrate, let’s take a look at a bit of code with many responsibilities.

class ssh {
  package { 'openssh-server':
    ensure => installed,
  file { '/etc/ssh/sshd_config':
    ensure  => file,
    content => template('ssh/sshd_config.erb'),
    require => Package['openssh-server'],
    notify  => Service['sshd'],
  service { 'sshd':
    ensure  => running,
    enabled => true,

This example does three things: it installs a package, places a configuration file, and ensures a service. This class has three separate responsibilities. This means it has three behaviors that we’d need to test. Let’s look at the tests for this module.

describe 'ssh' do
  it { contain_package 'openssh-server' }

  it 'should configure ssh' do contain_file('/etc/ssh/sshd_config').that_requires('Package[openssh-server]') contain_file('/etc/ssh/sshd_config').that_notifies('Service[sshd]')

  it 'should start sshd' do contain_service('sshd').with { :ensure => 'running', :enabled => true }

This is not such a burden right now, but once this module gets big enough, it’ll be much easier to test these behaviors individually rather than together. In fact, there’s an established pattern to handle this exact example: the package, file, service pattern. Let’s refactor this module to use the package, file, service pattern and see how the tests look.

class ssh {
  include ssh::install
  include ssh::config
  include ssh::service

  Class['ssh::install'] ->
  Class['ssh::config'] ~>

class ssh::install {
  package { 'openssh-server': ensure => installed }

class ssh::config {
  file { '/etc/ssh/sshd_config':
    ensure  => file,
    content => template('ssh/sshd_config.erb'),

class ssh::service {
  service { 'sshd': ensure => running, enabled => true }

Each of these classes has a singular responsibility. The ssh class is responsible for including the subclasses that make up the desired behavior for the module, and ensuring that the resource ordering is correct. The ssh::install class is responsible for installing the ‘openssh-server’ package. The ssh::config class is responsible for configuring the sshd service. Finally, the ssh::service class is responsible for managing the sshd service.

describe 'ssh' do
  it { contain_class('ssh::install').that_comes_before('Class[ssh::config]') }
  it { contain_class('ssh::config').that_notifies('Class[ssh::service]') }
  it { contain_class('ssh::service') }

describe 'ssh::install' do
  it { contain_package('openssh-server') }

describe 'ssh::config' do
  it { contain_file('/etc/ssh/sshd_config') }

describe 'ssh::service' do contain_service('sshd').with({ :ensure => 'running', :enabled => true })

Writing classes with a single responsibility makes writing tests easier because you can focus on a single behavior at a time. You can group your tests based on the behaviors they’re testing, and you can test different conditions that may affect your code’s behavior discretely. Once you’ve refactored this code into discrete classes with a single responsibility, you can achieve the same overall behavior with composition.

Designing for Testability is Good Overall Design

Design for testability just so happens to be good overall design. These design principles include programming to an interface, composition, and single responsibility. If you encounter a class that’s hard to test, think about why it’s hard. Chances are you’ve identified a good opportunity to redesign your code because test driven development fleshes out hidden design flaws. At first it may seem like you’re massaging your code to fit your testing strategy but, in reality, you’re fixing design flaws that make it harder to read, maintain, and change your code.

Tests should be designed to be largely independent of your code’s internals. If you find yourself battling fragile tests, you’ve probably coupled your tests to your code too tightly. Take a look at your test code, as well as your implementation code, and try and identify missing or poorly defined interfaces. Think about the assumptions you’re making in your code. Make sure you’re not hard coding those assumptions into your tests to make up for missing interfaces.

TDD may seem counterintuitive at first, but that will quickly pass. The benefits of TDD are proven, and become apparent rather quickly. After a while you’ll notice yourself writing code that’s simpler, more modular, more readily able to handle unforeseen use cases, and easier to maintain.